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Romiley and Marple Lions Club
Making a difference for over 40 years

Each year our fund raising allows us to donate thousands of pounds to local people in need, charities and many good causes.
This work can only be carried out thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of our members and friends.
We aim to have fun doing what we do and social events are an important part of the club's activities.
Local people and groups benefit from the funds that we raise

Marple Lions Club 5
Together Trust

Over the Rainbow 1 03 2023

Stepping Hill Pyjama

Marple Lions Club 5
Together Trust
These are some of the ways we raise funds to make our donations possible

train pic 2

Santa Dash
Santa Dash

Lions Charity Calendar 2022 flyer v8
Calendar with local views

train pic 2
We are grateful for all the help you can give us
We always welcome volunteers
No commitment
An hour or two of your time, whenever you can spare it, will help make a difference
Other ways to help
Come to social events
Support our 100 club
Make a donation
Follow on social media
Buy a calendar
Buy postcards
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